The PSC page: resources

Welcome to the Resources Library!

Here, you will find a collection of materials designed to support your journey in this programme. From framework guidelines to practical toolkits, our resources are tailored to help you implement effective quality improvement change ideas.

Explore the information and tools in our library to learn more. This library will continue to grow throughout the programme.

Resources from the pilot phase

Resources from the pilot phase

On this page, we share resources developed by project teams in the pilot phase.

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Understanding and addressing inequity

Understanding and addressing inequity

Tools for identifying, exploring, and addressing inequity

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Structuring your thinking and problem-solving

Structuring your thinking and problem-solving

Tools for problem-solving and structuring change

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Information and learning resources

Information and learning resources

Important context and background

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"These conversations we've been having and the small things we've done already have made a big difference. Communication on the ward - with staff being more present with patients and asking questions - is hugely improved. I'm really proud of the team's work."

Ward Manager (GMMH)

"We’re further ahead than I thought we would be…I think that your direction and leading of us in sessions has been helpful, and helping us stay on task and stay focused."

Patient Flow lead (KMAH)

"There’s a sense of the potential for reciprocal learning between team and organisation, which feels energising."

Executive Sponsor

"There seems to be something about this programme that is helping to get to deeper issues surprisingly quickly."

Executive Sponsor

"It’s helpful for me to know that there is a process to support our work and to anchor our vision."

Ward Manager

"It’s really good…it gets you to slow down…really thinking about things and rather than jumping straight into something. That’s what I’ve enjoyed about it so far…"

Assistant Psychologist (KMAH)

MHA QI News & Insights

Webinar: Empowering Lived Experience in Governance

Webinar: Empowering Lived Experience in Governance


On the 21st January we held a webinar to look at empowering lived experience in…

MHA QI Programme December Newsletter

MHA QI Programme December Newsletter


Welcome to the December newsletter for the MHA QI Programme.

MHA QI Programme November Newsletter

MHA QI Programme November Newsletter


Welcome to the November newsletter for the MHA QI Programme.

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